for €40 only
Many parents who contact us have a charge of determination and willingness to help their child sleep well.
What they often lack is a
What's included in the sleep plan?

Preliminary analysis by a certified consultant
based on a detailed questionnaire
Independent sleep habits
Step-by-step plan for helping your baby fall asleep on their own in a crib by a careful method of gradual change.
Expectations management
You will know if you are moving in the right direction and which reactions of your child are normal
Schedule and routine
appropriate for your baby's age
Guidelines for transition to a schedule with fewer naps
when the need of a transition is approaching
Guidelines on creating the best sleep environement
which is essential for welcoming good sleep
A sleep plan is your solution if

You want to work individually
but just lack direction.
You need clear and easy to follow guidelines
The sleep plan is a detailed document that describes step by step what you need to do to achieve results. Details are important.
You do not lack determination
Every change is challenging, but you are determined to work systematically to help your baby sleep better.
You are looking for an affordable solution
The sleep plan is a personalized solution at a good price
You expect flexibility
You can always upgrade with consultation and follow-up support if needed
Your baby is ready
- and is at least 5 months old
- is healthy
- sleep is not too impaired *
* As detailed as it is, the sleep plan cannot predict all the situations that could potentially arise. The plan will manage your expectations, and will largely anticipate the child's reactions, but follow-up support is actually the factor that makes our cooperation completely flexible.

Order your personalized sleep plan here by filling the form below: