Мария Йонова
Сертифициран консултант по детски сън и хранене
Бакалавър по Психология
Възрастови групи:
5 мес. - 10 год.
Семейно положение:
Мама на две барбарончета
Не се спира
Това, без което не мога:
Книги, музика и таблета ми за рисуване
Любима фраза:
"Все пак е магия, дори когато знаеш как се прави."
Т. Пратчет
Никол Ангелова
Сертифициран консултант по детски сън
Бакалавър по Журналистика
Възрастови групи:
0 мес. - 18 мес.
Семейно положение:
Майка на прекрасно момиченце - Ема
Организираност, търпение
Това, без което не мога:
Хубава храна, море и разбирателство
Любима фраза:
"Nothing happens in life by accident. Nothing occurs by chance."
Neale Donald Walsch
sleep training
At the heart of our work is the strong belief that healthy sleep habits are a prerequisite for healthy children. A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful and eager to learn.
When parents trust us to be their child's sleep consultants, they place their hopes that together we will achieve results - a responsibility we take very seriously.
While most books and programs dealing with children's sleep problems take a firm stand (often based on the principle of letting the child cry), we believe that your child's sleep is more important than our personal views. This is why we place so much emphasis on conforming to different parenting styles. In this way, you as parents will feel comfortable with the sleep plan so that it can give results for your child.
Our approach to improving your child's sleep follows three clear steps:
1. We will give you complete information about WHY sleep is so important for the well-being of your child. (This will give you all the motivation you need to make changes to your child's sleep habits.)
2. We will present a step-by-step easy-to-follow plan that allows you to decide which is the right approach for your child. All children are different and no one knows your child better than you. You will have our support to customize their sleep plan.
3. We will show you how to measure success . No, you should not expect your child to sleep 12 consecutive hours on the first night - although it happens! We will give you guidelines on what to expect along the way.